12-14 NBAA 57th Annual Meeting and Convention, Las Vegas Conference Center, Las Vegas, Nev. Contact National Business Aviation Association, phone 202-783-9000, e-mail info@nbaa.org.
12-14 Night Vision 2004, Hotel Ibis, London. Contact Clair Auger, the Shephard Group, phone +44 1628 604311, e-mail ca@shephard.co.uk or visit www.shephard.co.uk/nightvision.
13-14 7th Military Annual Airlift and Tankers Conference, The Hatton, London. Contact Jamison Nesbitt, SMi Conferences, phone +44 20 7827 6746, e-mail jnesbitt@smi-online.co.uk or visit www.smi-online.co.uk.
21-23 AOPA Expo 2004, Long Beach Convention Center, Long Beach, Calif. Contact Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association, phone 888-462-3976 or visit www.aopa.org/expo/2004/.
24-28 23rd Annual Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC), Hilton Salt Lake City Center, Salt Lake City, Utah. Contact Jim Rankins, conference chair, phone 740-593-1514, e-mail conference.chair@dasconline.org or visit www.dasconline.org.
25-27 International Loran Association’s 33rd Annual Convention and Technical Symposium, The Takanawa Prince Hotel, Tokyo. Contact ILA Operations Center, Santa Barbara, Calif., phone 805-967-8649, e-mail ila@loran.org or visit http://loran.org.
25-28 Alines Electronic Engineering Committee (AEEC), Sofitel Paris Forum Rive Gauche, Paris. Contact Roy Oishi, ARINC Inc., phone 410-266-2982 or visit www.arinc.com/aeec/.
27-29 Military Avionics 2004, The Cafe Royal, London. Contact International Quality & Productivity Centre, phone +44 20 7368 9301, e-mail enquire@iqpc-defence.com or visit www.iqpc-defence.com/2244a.
15-17 Vision 2004 Conference, Lord’s Cricket Ground Conference Center, London. Debate and forum on topic of information superiority in military operations. Contact Clair Auger, the Shephard Group, phone +44 1628 604311, e-mail ca@shephard.co.uk or visit www.shephard.co.uk/vision.
15-18 57th Annual International Air Safety Seminar, Shanghai, China. A joint meeting of the Flight Safety Foundation, International Federation of Airworthiness and International Air Transport Association. Contact Flight Safety Foundation, phone 703-739-6700 or visit www.flightsafety.org.
17-20 Emergency Response 2004, San Diego Convention Center, San Diego, Calif. Sponsored by Rotor & Wing magazine. Contact Eric Gann, phone 888-340-5072, e-mail egann@accessintel.com or visit www.emergencyresponseshow.com.
7-9 Random Vibration and Shock Testing Training, Marietta, Ga. Contact Wayne Tustin, Equipment Reliability Institute, phone 805-564-1260 or visit www.equipment-reliability.com.