ARINC Engineering Services demonstrated a military data link information and color display system in the C-130 cockpit with moving maps, target information, text and data messages. The system is designed to enhance battlefield situational awareness and communications, ARINC said. The company said it provided its SMARRT (Scalable, Modular, Adaptable, Roll-On, Roll-Off, Tactical) data link system for an operational utility evaluation April 10-14 by the Air National Guard/Air Force Reserve Test Center (AATC) in Tucson, Ariz. SMARRT can be used to view air and ground targets, analyze military theatre, and communicate with command and control. The system includes 2 displays in the cockpit, a laptop computer at the Navigator’s station, and connections for an additional laptop on the flight deck or cargo compartment. It monitors the aircraft data bus for positional information and offers both Line-of-Sight and Beyond-Line-Of-Sight tactical data link interoperability, ARINC said.