
Boeing Hits RNP Milestone in Panama

By Tish Drake | August 21, 2009
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Boeing said Thursday it completed a critical design review for Required Navigation Performance (RNP) at Panama’s Tocumen International Airport and Howard Airport. The critical design review, which took place at the Copa Airlines training center in Panama City, assesses the "fly-ability" of the procedures and ensures compatibility with airline crew procedures, Boeing said. Boeing and its wholly owned subsidiary, Jeppesen, will provide RNP procedures under contract with the Autoridad Aeronautica Civil (AAC), Panama’s Civil Aviation Authority. These procedures will support flights into the Panamanian airports for any airline, with Panama’s Copa Airlines taking the lead in testing the RNP procedures. "Panama is constantly working to make our aviation infrastructure more secure and efficient," said Capt. Rafael Barcenas, Panama’s Civil Aviation Authority director. "As a Panamanian I am proud to be part of this legacy of innovation. Together we are maximizing the use of new technology for the benefit of our airspace."

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