ATM Modernization, Commercial

Airbus to Support PBN Deployment in Central, South America

By gguarino | May 13, 2013
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Airbus ProSky has a new agreement with Latin American airline group Avianca and TACA to implement Performance Based Navigation (PBN) procedures at airports in Central and South America. 
The partnership will begin by implementing arrivals, approaches and departures at airports in San Salvador, El Salvador, and Guatemala City. PBN provides a framework for performance requirements in navigation specifications and provides a foundation for implementing air traffic routes and instrument procedures that support Area Navigation (RNAV) and Required Navigation Performance (RNP). 

"We are confident that this project will bring more efficient air navigation into the region, as well as contribute to a collaborative work environment for those involved in the operations," said Estuardo Ortiz, chief operating officer at Avianca Holdings. 

Related: Air Traffic Management News 

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