Indra headquarters in Madrid, Spain. Photo: Indra |
[Avionics Today 09-29-2014] Indra, an Air Traffic Management (ATM) systems provider based in Spain, has signed a $22 million contract with Brazilian airport infrastructure company Infraero to install 24 radio navigation Doppler VHF Omni Radio / Distance Measuring Equipment (DVOR/DME) stations throughout the country.
These new stations will expand and modernize the network of equipment supporting air navigation in Brazil with the hopes that its ATM operations will become safer and more efficient. According to Indra, pilots will benefit from a wider network of Very High Frequency (VHF) transmission systems intended to support them in accurately determining their geographical position at any time.
These 24 new stations will be installed in the following strategic positions in Brazil, encompassing the whole air space from north to south: Belo Horizonte and Uberaba (MG); Bonsucesso, Campinas and Presidente Prudente (SP); Alta Floresta and Barra do Garças (MT); Paulo Afonso, Bom Jesus da Lapa and Caravelas (BA); Tucuruí and Marabá (PA); Santarém and Altamira (PA); Teresina (PI); Mossoró (RN); Campina Grande (PB); Londrina (PR); Cruzeiro do Sul (AC); Porto Nacional (TO); Tefé (AM); Carolina e Imperatriz (MA); and Bagé (RS).