Lynx NGT-9000 MultiLink Surveillance System (MSS) in cockpit. Photo: L-3 |
[Avionics Today 04-10-2015] L-3 Aviation Products’ Lynx NGT-9000 MultiLink Surveillance System (MSS) models have received Technical Standard Order (TSO) authorization from the FAA. The Lynx NGT-9000 is a touchscreen, dual-mode 1090 and 978 MHz Mode S Extended Squitter (ES) transponder that is capable of displaying Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) traffic and weather.
“We’re thrilled to begin filling the backlog of orders we’ve received since unveiling our Lynx product earlier this year,” said Larry Riddle, vice president of marketing and sales for business, regional and general aviation for L-3 Aviation Products. “Lynx customers run the gamut from operators of single-engine piston aircraft to operators of medium-size business jets.”
The NGT-9000 is an autonomous unit, requiring only a GPS antenna for its operation, and features an embedded WAAS/GPS position source, as well as the option to enable L-3’s NextGen Active Traffic. The system also has a high-resolution display that serves as both a transponder screen and a Multifunction Display (MFD) with moving maps, weather, Notices to Airmen (NOTAMs), Temporary Flight Restrictions (TFRs) and ADS-B traffic.