[Avionics Today 07-17-2015] ForeFlight has teamed up with Garmin to provide connectivity with Garmin avionics, broadening the flight planning, in-flight and connectivity capabilities available to pilots. When connected to Garmin Flight Stream, pilots using ForeFlight Mobile can wirelessly receive Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) weather and traffic, GPS position data, and dynamic pitch and bank information on an iPad or iPhone. Additionally, the companies are currently developing a flight plan transfer capability that will be available in a future app update.
Foreflight app interacting with Garmin Avionics. Photo: Foreflight |
“Through this collaboration, ForeFlight Mobile customers gain access to connectivity options that greatly enhance flight planning and in-flight experiences, unlocking even more value from their app and avionics investment,” says Tyson Weihs, co-founder and CEO of ForeFlight.