Air Defense Command and Control at Lockheed Martin. Photo: Lockheed Martin |
[Avionics Today 10-19-2015] The U.S. Air Force awarded Lockheed Martin a contract to update the Air Tasking Order Management System (ATOMS), which allows commanders to deploy air assets, execute air tasking orders and direct joint U.S. air operations through centralized planning. The contract is part of Lockheed Martin’s efforts to upgrade the battle command system that directs flying operations for all airborne assets of the U.S. Air Force as well as the Navy and Marine Corps, including fighters, bombers, tankers, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), helicopters and cruise missiles.
ATOMS will replace part of the Theater Battle Management Core System (TBMCS), which is often known as the engine of the air operations center. The Air Force Command and Control Air Operations Suite (C2AOS) — Command and Control Information Services (C2IS) is providing the next generation of TBMCS replacement applications such as ATOMS to provide the automation necessary to plan, direct and control all theater air operations, and to coordinate air activities with ground and maritime elements.