Bombardier is launching its Smart Link global management service. Photo: Bombardier |
[Avionics Today 11-19-2015] Bombardier is launching its Smart Link service for aircraft data management, which will be progressively rolled out for Learjet, Challenger, and Global aircraft. Smart Link’s performance and operations monitoring and reporting services offer Bombardier aircraft operators information and reports that will improve the in-service performance of their aircraft, ensure faster return to service, and ultimately enable pro-active maintenance.
Through a direct and secure link to Bombardier’s Customer Response Centre data center, Smart Link allows the company to monitor operator and fleet performance, alert maintenance personnel of failures, and transform notifications into real-time service plans, both globally and while the aircraft is in flight, according to the Canadian company.
In-flight fault notification service testing on the Learjet 70 and Learjet 75 aircraft has been performed in collaboration with five operators — covering more than 10 aircraft — over a period of three months and provided significant data to help improve aircraft maintainability and enable a proactive support model to rectify potential issues. This service will now become standard on Learjet 70 and Learjet 75 aircraft and is offered as a complimentary upgrade by Bombardier Business Aircraft.
Bombardier has also conducted extensive tests on engine trend and exceedance monitoring with operators of Global 5000 and Global 6000 aircraft, equipped with the Bombardier Vision flight deck. Following the completion of the testing cycle, this will be the next Smart Link standard offering.