Maxcraft avionics hangar. Photo: Maxcraft avionics |
[Avionics Today 02-16-2016] Maxcraft Avionics has received FAA validation for installation of the SKY899 Traffic Collision Avoidance System (TCAS)-1 or upgrade of existing SKY497 Skywatch Traffic Advisory System (TAS) to SKY899 TCAS-I in the Beech 200/B200 and 300/B300 KingAir Series.
The SKY899 TCAS monitors the airspace around the aircraft and advises the crew when to look for transponder-equipped aircraft that may pose a threat. Traffic information on the existing Sandel ST3400 display generally includes: range, relative bearing, relative altitude and closure rate. Calculating eight most threatening aircraft in range, the SKY899 provides Closest Point of Approach (CPA), Other Traffic (OT), Proximity Advisory (PA) and a single level of threat advisory known as a Traffic Advisory (TA) all by graphical depiction and audible warning for Traffic Advisories.