Air Transat Equips with GEE Wireless IFE App

By Juliet Van Wagenen | February 19, 2016
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The Air Transat app will enable GEE wireless IFE capabilities
The Air Transat app will enable GEE wireless IFE capabilities. Photo: Air Transat

[Avionics Today 02-19-2016] Passengers aboard Air Transat’s Boeing 737 fleet can now access Global Eagle Entertainment’s (GEE) app-based Airtime Content-to-Go In-Flight Entertainment (IFE) service. Airtime Content-to-Go provides an IFE service that requires no installed hardware onboard the plane. Passengers download a mobile app and content pre-flight on their smartphones and tablets to access movies, TV shows and other entertainment choices during their flight.

Air Transat is the first to equip with the technology and has chosen the app to quickly deploy IFE across its growing fleet of narrow-body aircraft, which was serving both seasonal and year-round routes without an IFE platform. Air Transat now provides its passengers with a customized version of Airtime Content-to-Go.

The solution features Hollywood-approved Digital Rights Management (DRM) technology and integrates with an airline’s reservation system to securely manage content viewing windows. GEE’s ground infrastructure enables passengers to browse and download content to their personal devices anywhere in the world.

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