[Avionics Magazine 07-01-2016] Lockheed Martin recently released an overview of how the use of iPad applications is helping helicopter operators perform smarter and more efficient Search and Rescue (SAR), offshore oil, and other operations around the globe.

iFly Sikorsky includes both a performance calculator and a flight publications app that includes the Flight Crew Operating Manuals (FCOMs). The FCOMs are part of an effort led by the HeliOffshore industry association to enhance safety and build collaboration across the industry. Sikorsky’s FCOMs support the commitment to providing safe and efficient aircraft for customers. Photo: Lockheed Martin.
To support the need for helicopter pilots, to plan their flights in the air or on short notice, Sikorsky developed the iPad-based application “iFly,” which replicates common performance calculations outlined in the S-92 and S-76D rotorcraft flight manuals and eliminates the need for paper charts.
“When our pilots asked for a more efficient way to do their performance calculations, our team of Technical Publications, Sikorsky Innovations, and Performance Engineering worked together to develop the app and validate the calculations,” said Director of Fleet Management at Sikorsky, Simon Gharibian. “Now, pilots who need to quickly respond to emergency, VIP or paramilitary situations can verify they have the aircraft performance to do so quickly and safely.”
iFly will also host Flight Crew Operating Manuals (FCOMs) for both the S-92 and S-76D helicopters, which provide standard operating procedures such as detailed aircraft pre-flight, enroute, emergency and shutdown procedures as well as crew resource management guidance.
Off shore oil operators fly their helicopters over stormy seas, through howling winds and sheets of rain that significantly limit their visibility. When it comes to precision, they’re often required to land in small spaces – surrounded by water – with very little room for error.
To ensure these pilots are able to land safely, iFly works in tandem with the Sikorsky rig approach system to calculate the maximum allowable approach and departure weights based on current ambient conditions. This technology automates the steps that pilots take as they approach offshore rigs and conduct platform landings, which substantially reduces the number of pre-landing actions required by the pilot.
“The Rig Approach technology reduces a pilot’s cockpit workload by 60 percent, which allows them to focus on monitoring the mission, rather than maneuvering the aircraft,” said Sikorsky’s Director of Commercial Programs, Alan Walling.