Gulfstream GIV aircraft. Photo: Ministerie van Defensie/Arnoud Schoor |
[Avionics Today 08-26-2016] The FAA has approved Gulfstream Aerospace Corp. to upgrade Gulfstream GIV and GV aircraft with Future Air Navigation System (FANS)-over-Iridium (FOI) using the TrueNorth Simphone FANS 1/A+ Data Link Unit (DLU).
Once installed, the stand-alone unit enables data connectivity over the Iridium satellite communications (satcom) network, allowing for FANS communication in remote coverage areas.
“This system operates as the sole data link service on aircraft without FANS 1/A+-compatible Inmarsat satcom installed. On aircraft already fitted with FANS 1/A+-compatible Inmarsat satcom, the system functions as a backup data link solution, increasing dispatch reliability because of the redundancy provided,” said Derek Zimmerman, president of Gulfstream Product Support.
Operational mandates require FANS 1/A+ for the most wind-efficient North Atlantic Ocean (NAT) flight tracks. After Jan. 30, 2020, aircraft without FANS 1/A+ will not be permitted to operate in NAT region above 28,000 feet/8,534 meters.