Paul Haskins, director of service, strategy and transformation at NATS, and Dirk Beckers, director of the Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA) formally exchanged signed copies of four grant agreements at a ceremony in Brussels. Photo: NATS |
[Avionics Magazine 11-18-2016] NATS, the U.K.’s Air Navigation Service Provider (ANSP), and the European Commission’s Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA) have signed grant agreements totaling $27.4 million of EU funding that will help the U.K. accelerate the upgrading of its air traffic management systems in support of delivering a Single European Sky.
The grant, awarded in response to the agency’s 2015 Multi-Annual Call for projects supporting the European Union’s Connection Europe Facility (CEF) program, will help NATS in its deployment of the Single European Sky ATM Research Program (SESAR).
The projects funded by the grants will help NATS deliver essential systems upgrades and a new operations room at the Swanwick Center, from which London and much of wider U.K. airspace is controlled.