[Avionics Magazine 01-18-2017] In December 2016, the FAA published its new Enhanced Flight Vision System (EFVS) rule regarding the allowable decision altitudes, decision heights and minimum descent altitudes associated with the operational use of enhanced vision cockpit display technology. In a recent blog post, aerospace and defense manufacturer Rockwell Collins explained how the new EFVS rule FAR 91.176 will expand applicability of EFVS for business aircraft owners and operators and introduce, for the first time, similar benefits to the air transport industry.

Enhanced Flight Vision System (EFVS) display. Photo: Rockwell Collins.
According to the new post from Rockwell Collins, the new EFVS rule will provide the following:
New Landing Minima:
- Permits operators to use an EFVS to touchdown and rollout 91.176(a)
- Relocates EFVS to 100’ operations to 91.176(b)
Permits operators who conduct EFVS operations under parts 121, 125 or 135 to use EFVS-equipped aircraft:
- Dispatch/release under IFR
- Allow those operators to initiate and continue an approach when destination weather is at or below authorized visibility minimums on the Instrument Approach Plate (IAP)
The complete text of the new rule can be found here.