A PHI Sikorsky S-92A cruises past an oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico. Photo: Lockheed Martin.
Development for a new global safety data management system targeting the offshore helicopter community has been unveiled at Heli Expo 2017. The result of a partnership between HeliOffshore and GE Aviation, the new system aims to provide deeper analytics and analyses to yield more insights into ways operators, manufacturers, and the oil and gas industry can maximize the safety of offshore helicopter operations.
The two companies want to combine GE’s well known capabilities for providing operators with trend analysis data on the usage of their aircraft engines, with HeliOffshore’s existing industry-wide safety improvement program. HeliOffshore has already laid the groundwork for sharing data and information under its InfoShare program. Through the program, operators exchange safety event information and have begun to share data, including from anonymized flight data monitoring and their health and usage monitoring systems.
HeliOffshore CEO Gretchen Haskins says the partnership will build off GE’s track record for providing data diagnostics and trend analysis reports for fixed wing operators.