The FAA has established a Regulatory Consistency Communication Board (RCCB) to provide guidance to internal and external stakeholders, said NBAA. The board — required by the Consistency of Regulatory Interpretation Advisory and Rulemaking Committee — would clarify “inconsistent FAA interpretations” related to the application of regulations handed down by the Flight Standards Service or Aircraft Certification Service.
David Norton, an aviation attorney and member of NBAA’s Domestic Operations Committee, said that NBAA members could benefit from the new board, especially when dealing with Flight Standards District Offices (FSDOs).
“Operators have frequently expressed frustration with inconsistent or conflicting interpretations regarding application of FAA regulations by different FSDOs, or sometimes even by different staff at the same FSDO,” Norton says. “By properly utilizing the new tool that the RCCB provides, NBAA members can seek clarification — anonymously, if they choose — and get answers by raising the issue with the RCCB.”