L3 EFI-650. Photo courtesy of L3
L3’s new EFI-650 can now be offered as a retrofit option during maintenance of in-service aircraft, L3 said. The company has received technical standard order authorization and an approved model list supplemental type certificate for the cockpit display.
As part of an alliance with Thomas Global Systems, the new integrated active matrix liquid crystal display (AMLCD) incorporates Thomas Global’s Adaptive Display Architecture display processing technology. The solution would be available to several aircraft operated by regional airlines and business jet operators, and for maintenance, repair and overhaul facilities.
“Our EFI-650 product line features a state-of-the-art, cost-effective display for regional and business aviation customers,” said Stuart Mullan, president of L3 Aviation Products. “This solution is lighter, produces less heat and requires less power than aging cathode ray tubes (CRTs) and will extend the life of legacy aircraft by offering reliable AMLCD technology for displaying critical flight data.”
L3 said AMLCD has double the reliability of CRT displays. It also provides a reduction in weight per cockpit of up to 25 pounds.