ATM Modernization

Eurocontrol Aims to Extend ATM Surveillance Server Outside its Jurisdiction

By Staff Writer | May 15, 2017
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Intl20Standardization20EurocontrolEurocontrol has been operating its air traffic management (ATM) surveillance tracker and server (ARTAS) for 25 years and more than 1 million hours of service. Now, Eurocontrol said it has created the ARTAS distributor license agreement in the hopes of sharing it with non-Eurocontrol member states organizations.

ARTAS uses multi-sensor tracking technology, primary surveillance radar, secondary surveillance radar, Mode-S, ADS-B and wide-area multi-lateration surveillance sensors. Eurocontrol said it is now used in the majority of its member state organizations, in both military and civil applications. It expects 20 air traffic control sights to use ARTAS in the coming years; 30 sites already use it.

“The objective is to allow accredited partners to distribute ARTAS outside the Eurocontrol area and for the agency to obtain some commercial benefit from the service, in particular by providing installation and maintenance support,” Eurocontrol said. “This is a win-win situation whereby the partners benefit from a mature and reliable product, while Eurocontrol receives fees based on the number of deployed systems, and there are potential improvements resulting from a wider user base.”

Organizations with at least five years of experience in ATM and surveillance data processing systems and that hold an ISO 9001 accreditation are eligible to apply for the ARTAS license agreement. If accepted, the license gives access to various ARTAS add-ons, like training materials, in addition to the software.

A new version, ARTAS V8B4 for functional airspace block deployment, is due for release in the next couple months. It will implement increased processing capabilities and give users the ability to customize the tuning of the system in geographical areas, like the terminal maneuvering area.

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