Photo: Boeing
Boeing has completed the Radar System Improvement Program (RSIP) for Saudi Arabia’s E-3A airborne warning and control system (AWACS) aircraft, Boeing said. The company performed upgrades meant to improve radar capabilities and reduce repair time.
“The AWACS’ main mission is to provide real-time situation awareness, and our teams have stayed true to that mission,” said Keith Burns, Saudi AWACS programs manager for Boeing. “The modernized software, multiple radar nodes and overall enhanced operation make this is the most significant upgrade to the AWACS radar since it was developed in the 1970s.”
Boeing said the fleet was given a new radar computer, a radar control maintenance panel, and electrical and mechanical software and hardware. Northrop Grumman Electronic Systems built the improvement program kit, which has been installed on AWAC fleets in the U.S., U.K. and France, as well as NATO fleets.
The first aircraft upgrade took place at Boeing Field in Seattle, and the remaining aircraft were upgraded at Alsalam Aerospace Industries in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Boeing sent engineers, technicians, and a test and evaluation team to assist in the kingdom.