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The European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC) has been making progress, Eurocontrol said. The organization cited the 2016 European ATM Master Plan Level 3 Implementation Report, saying it “paints a generally positive picture of progress achieved at ECAC level.”
Eurocontrol said that 2016 was a transition year between Single European Sky ATM Research (SESAR) 1 and SESAR 2020, in terms of research and development. It was also the year an implementation transition occurred between the Pilot Common Project and other SESAR 1 functionalities.
According to Eurocontrol, SESAR Baseline implementation has reached almost 70% completion throughout ECAC area. Eurocontrol said Local Single Sky Implementation, the Pilot Common Project and SESAR 1 implementation recorded an average completion rate of 29% in ECAC States, which shows a quickening pace. Because of this, Eurocontrol said it expects SESAR Baseline to be fully implemented by the end of 2019.
Some projects have fallen behind. Eurocontrol said that some 30% of Level 3 Implementation Objectives have either exceeded initial completion dates or are planned to be delayed. Actions are to be taken, particularly, Eurocontrol said, for objectives identified as important prerequisites or enablers for projects.