Under the FAA’s new MOCs for Part 23, aircraft such as the Piper featured here, are subject to 63 new means of compliance (MOCs).
The FAA has issued 63 means of compliance (MOCs) for owners of Part 23 aircraft. According to the agency, the new MOCs will enable faster installation of innovative, safety-enhancing technologies into small airplanes.
MOCs listed in the notice of availability published to the Federal Register May 11 are “an acceptable means, but not the only means, to comply with the applicable regulations in Part 23, amendment 23-64, for normal category airplanes,” the agency said.
Accepting MOCs — based on consensus standards — to Part 23, amendment 23-64, is consistent with the Small Airplane Revitalization Act of 2013 and the FAA’s stated intent in issuing the overhauled airworthiness rules. A summary of MOCs accepted by this notice is available on the FAA website. Guidance for proposing additional means of compliance to Part 23 for FAA acceptance is provided in Advisory Circular 23.2010-1.