L3’s new flight data/cockpit voice recorders, the SRVIVR25 series is capable of meeting EASA’s 2021 mandate. Photo: L3
A new generation of L3 cockpit voice and data recorders capable of meeting the the European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) new aircraft voice and data recording mandates are in the beginning stages of airworthiness certification.
The company’s new SRVIVR25 flight data and cockpit voice recorders are on track to achieve certification between 2019 and 2020. Developed as a replacement for existing and obsolete aircraft voice and data recording technologies, SRVIVR25 includes five models and variations based on functionality, aircraft wiring types and mounting options.
Under EASA’s Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/2338, aircraft with a maximum takeoff weight of 59,500 pounds manufactured after Jan. 1, 2021 must feature a CVR with a recording duration of at least 25 hours and the ability to accurately determine the location of an aircraft accident. Part of the new requirements also took effect as of Jan. 1, 2019, including the replacement of recorders featuring magnetic tape with solid-state CVRs.
L3’s new SRVIVR25 recorders includes five different models and variations, as well as a 90-day underwater locator beacon, to meet the new 90-day rule that became applicable under EASA’s new regulations on June 16, 2018.
“The SRVIVR25 has set the new standard for flight data recording,” said Eric Jenkins, vice president of commercial markets for L3’s commercial aviation division.
One of the new models is an automatic deployable flight recorder, designed by DRS Technologies Canada. This variant of the new SRVIVR25 recorders are designed to float and have an embedded crash-protected memory module. L3 describes the automatic deployable variant as also featuring an integrated dual-frequency emergency locator transmitter.
The deployable version of the new recorders is being made available exclusively for the Airbus A350.
“Besides offering the longest recording capability of any cockpit recorder available today, this line of products offers variants that will enable future cockpit video recording and real-time data streaming,” said Jenkins.
L3 has become the latest company to develop a new line of cockpit voice and data recorders designed to meet the full-scale requirements of EASA’s new regulations. A new agreement between Curtiss Wright and Honeywell Aerospace will also see those two companies develop the new HCR-25 voice and data recorders.
The new SRVIVR25 recorders are also designed as a direct replacement for L3’s FA2100 and other ARINC 747/757 recorders.