Daniel Welch, senior consultant with Valour Consultancy, joined the Global Connected Aircraft Podcast to talk worldwide in-flight entertainment and connectivity equipage trends.
On a regional basis, airlines with hubs in North America have the highest rate of in-service airplanes featuring in-flight Internet in the world, according to the latest available data from Valour Consultancy’s in-flight entertainment and connectivity (IFEC) tracker.
Established in 2012, the U.K.-based consultancy is a provider of market intelligence services, providing expert insight and analysis to the aviation industry as well as a number of other markets including maritime and drones among others. Through the IFEC tracker provided by Valour, the commercial aviation industry is able to gain a better understanding of what airlines are investing in what type of technologies for what purposes in various flight information regions (FIRs).
On this episode of the Global Connected Aircraft Podcast, we discussed regional IFEC equipage trends with Daniel Welch, a senior consultant for Valour.
“Today, 80 percent of North America’s commercial active fleet is equipped with an active IFC service. As a result, 7 North American airlines feature in the top 10 connected global fleets table,” Welch said. “It is well documented that this installed base was kick started by Gogo’s ATG network and airlines across the globe, not just in Asia Pacific are still playing catch up. The installed base in Western Europe actually sits at a similar level to the rest of Asia Pacific, with 25 percent of the regions commercial active fleet equipped with an active IFC service at the time of writing. But we expect both regions to be responsible for growth in IFC adoption in the coming years.”
Listen to this episode below, or check it out on iTunes. If you like the show, subscribe on your favorite podcast app to get new episodes as soon as they’re released.
And check out some of the new agenda and speaker announcements for the Global Connected Aircraft Summit, happening June 2-3, 2020 in Denver, Colorado. For more information about the aviation industry’s only annual event completely dedicated to covering all areas of in-flight connectivity visit www.gcasummit.com.