To discuss the pandemic’s impact on business aviation, we’re joined by (left to right) Ian Moore from VistaJet, Per Marthinsson from Avinode Group, and Peter Antonenko from Jetcraft.
On the second of this new four-part podcast series, we discuss the operational impact of the outbreak of the COVID-19 coronavirus global pandemic on business aviation.
Guests on this episode include the following:
- Ian Moore, Chief Commercial Officer, VistaJet
- Per Marthinsson, Founder and EVP, Avinode Group
- Peter Antonenko, COO, Jetcraft
At 01:30, Moore discusses how the outbreak of coronavirus and the travel restrictions placed on commercial airlines in March actually lead to an increase in demand for VistaJet charter flights, and how he expects the industry to operate under the new reality as well as what a recovery could look like and when.
At 24:40, Marthinsson discusses how Avinode saw enormous jumps in demand for air charter as a result of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic. Avinode is an online marketplace for available business jets for any given trip, connecting air charter operators and brokers, representing over 3,000 aircraft that are actively available for charter and handling more than 450,000 charter requests between brokers and operators per month.
At 45:20, Antonenko explains how the outbreak of the crisis actually makes it an ideal time to find and buy a pre-owned business jet, and how an online business jet dealer such as Jetcraft is continuing to operate amid the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Have suggestions or topics we should focus on in the upcoming episodes as part of this new series? Email the host, Woodrow Bellamy at [email protected], or drop him a line on Twitter @WbellamyIIIAC.
Listen to this episode below, or check it out on iTunes. If you like the show, subscribe on your favorite podcast app to get new episodes as soon as they’re released.
Don’t forget to check out www.gcasummit.com for more information on the Global Connected Aircraft Summit, as we determine how to safely proceed with the event.