Jack Mandala is the CEO of the Seamless Air Alliance.
On this episode of the Connected Aircraft Podcast, Jack Mandala, CEO of Seamless Air Alliance (SAA), joins to discuss the organization’s latest in-flight connectivity standard, “OpenIFC” Release 2.0.
Seamless Air Alliance was established in 2018 by Airbus, Air France KLM, Delta, Sprint and an industry coalition of operators and technology providers collaborating with the goal of driving down the price and increasing the availability of in-flight connectivity (IFC) service, technology, and upgrades. Following the publishing of their first IFC standard earlier this year, the organization recently announced the completion of Seamless Release 2.0.
This latest Release “defines the information provided by each network component, enabling suppliers to design and build OpenIFC products using the modular architecture and open interfaces from its first release,” according to SAA.
Have suggestions or topics we should focus on in the next episode? Email the host, Woodrow Bellamy at [email protected], or drop him a line on Twitter @WbellamyIIIAC.
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