Aerospace Acronym and Abbreviation Guide
December 2010
Avionics proudly presents the fifth edition of our biennial Aerospace Acronym and Abbreviation Guide. Updated with the latest terms from the magazine’s pages, this comprehensive guide has grown to more than 3,000 civil and military acronyms.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
- O-QAR optical quick access recorder
- O&M operations and maintenance
- O&S operating and support
- OAC oceanic area control center
- OAS oceanic automation system
- OASIS operational area satellite information system
- OASIS operational and supportability implementation system
- OASIS organic airborne and surface influence sweep
- OASYS obstacle avoidance system
- OAT operational acceptance test
- OAT outside air temperature
- OATS orbit and attitude tracking system
- OBP operational build plan
- OBS omnibearing selector
- OBS optical bypass switch
- OCA oceanic control area
- OCC occasionally connected computing
- OCC operations control center
- OCD oceanic clearance delivery
- OCIG Oceanic Communications Improvement Group
- OCO overseas contingency operations
- OCP oceanic clearance processor
- OCTAS obstacle cable and terrain avoidance system
- ODA open document architecture
- ODA Organization Designation Authorization
- ODAPS oceanic display and planning system
- ODIAC operational requirements for ATM air/ground data communications (Eurocontrol)
- ODID operational display and input development
- ODIN observe, detect, identify, neutralize
- ODL oceanic data link
- ODL optical data link
- OEI one engine inoperative
- OEM original equipment manufacturer
- OEP Operational Evolution Partnership (FAA)
- OES Office of Emergency Services
- OEU overhead electronics unit
- OFDM orthogonal frequency division multiplexing
- OFDPS oceanic flight data processing system
- OFP operational flight program
- OGE operational ground equipment
- OHA operational hazard assessment
- OHSC overhead stowage compartments
- OHU overhead unit (HUD)
- OI operational improvement
- OID object identifier
- OIG Office of Inspector General (U.S.)
- OIS operational information systems
- OIT onboard information terminal
- OJT on-the-job training
- OLAN onboard local area network
- OLDI on-line data interchange
- OLED organic LED
- OM outer marker
- OMB Office of Management and Budget (U.S.)
- OMS onboard maintenance system
- OMT object modeling technique
- OMT onboard maintenance terminal
- ONR Office of Naval Research (U.S.)
- OOA object-oriented analysis
- OOD object-oriented design
- OODA observe, orient, decide and act
- OOOI out/off/on/in
- OPA operational performance assessment
- OPAS overhead panel ARINC 629 system
- OPBC overhead panel bus controller
- OPD Optimized Profile Descent
- OPS operations
- OPS OPS per second
- OPSPECS OPS specifications
- OPU overspeed protection unit
- OPV optionally piloted vehicle
- OR operational requirements
- ORB object request broker
- ORD operational requirements document
- ORD operations readiness demonstration
- OS open service
- OS operating system
- OSA operational safety assessment
- OSCAR Orbiting Satellite Carrying Amateur Radio
- OSD Office of the Secretary of Defense (U.S.)
- OSDS oceanic systems development support
- OSE open systems environment
- OSED operational service and environment definition
- OSEIC operational service and environment information capture
- OSGCS one system ground control station
- OSI open systems interface/interconnection
- OSIE OSI environment
- OSI-RM OSI-reference model
- OSJTF Open Systems Joint Task Force (U.S.)
- OSPF open shortest path first
- OSPGCS one system portable ground control station (U.S. Army)
- OSR order status report
- OSRVT One System Remote Video Terminal
- OTA Office of Technology Assessment (U.S.)
- OTA other transaction agreement
- OT&E operational test and evaluation
- OTFP operational traffic flow planning
- OTH over the horizon
- OTM-4D Oceanic Trajectory Management-4D
- OTP Office of Telecommunications Policy (U.S.)
- OTS off the shelf
- OVHT overheat