Aerospace Acronym and Abbreviation Guide
December 2010
Avionics proudly presents the fifth edition of our biennial Aerospace Acronym and Abbreviation Guide. Updated with the latest terms from the magazine’s pages, this comprehensive guide has grown to more than 3,000 civil and military acronyms.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
- HAA high-altitude airship
- HAATA Houston Area Airspace Transition System
- HAD hardware architecture document
- HADDS Host Air Traffic Management Data Distribution System
- HADS high-altitude platform station
- HAE height above ellipsoid
- HAG height above geoid
- HAI Helicopter Association International
- HALE high-altitude, long-endurance
- HARS high altitude route system
- HART heterogeneous airborne reconnaissance teams (U.S. Army)
- HAT height above touchdown zone
- HCI human-computer interface
- HCP heads-up control panel
- HCS host computer system
- HD high density airports
- HD high definition
- HDD head-down display
- HDG heading
- HDG SEL heading select
- HDL hybrid data link
- HDLC high-level data link control
- HDLC-B HDLC-balanced
- HDLMS hybrid data link management system
- HDMI high-definition multimedia interface
- HDOP horizontal dilution of precision
- HDP hardware development plan
- HE altitude error
- HEA head equipment assembly
- HEMS helicopter emergency medical services
- HERF high-energy radio frequency (or energy radiated fields: dense)
- HF high frequency
- HF human factors
- HFACS human factors analysis and classification system
- HFDL high-frequency data link
- HFDM high-frequency data modem
- HFDR high frequency data radio
- HFI human factors integration
- HFNPDU high frequency network protocol data unit
- HFOM horizontal figure of merit
- HFS high frequency system
- HFSG human factor study group
- HFSNL high frequency subnetwork layer
- HFWG human factors working group
- HGA high gain antenna
- HGAS HGA system
- HGC head-up guidance computer
- HGS head-up guidance system
- HGS HFDL ground station
- HHLD heading hold
- HID host interface display
- HIL horizontal integrity limit
- HIRF high-intensity radiated field
- HITL human in the loop
- HITS highway in the sky
- HLCS high lift control system
- HLE higher layer entity
- HLL high level language
- HMD helmet-mounted display
- HMI hazardously misleading information
- HMI human-machine interface
- HMOS high-density metal oxide semiconductor
- HMS handheld manpack and small form fit
- HMSD Helmet Mounted Sight & Display
- HMU height monitoring unit
- HO handoff
- HOCSR host/oceanic computer system replacement
- HOTAS hands on throttle and stick
- HOW hand-over word
- HP high pressure
- HP holding pattern
- hPa hecto Pascal
- HPA high power amplifier
- HPC high pressure compressor
- HPL horizontal protection limit
- HPR high power relay
- HPSOV high pressure shutoff valve
- HPT high pressure turbine
- HRD home routing domain
- HS-DSAD high speed digital service access device
- HSD high-speed data
- HSI horizontal situation indicator
- HSIT hardware and software integration test
- HSL heading select
- HSR high stability reference
- HSRP hot standby routing protocol
- HTC highest two-way channel
- HUD head-up display
- HUL horizontal uncertainty level
- HUMINT human intelligence
- HUMS health and usage monitoring system
- HVPS high voltage power supply
- HVT high-value target
- HWCI hardware configuration item
- HX heat exchanger
- HYD hydraulic
- HYDIM HYD interface module