Business & GAForeFlight Founder Talks App Growth in Cockpits Since ForeFlight launched in 2007 on the eve of the iPhone revolution, the company’s star has continued to rise, and today, it is the aviation industry’s undisputed go-to app for situational awareness…
ATM ModernizationAireon Teams for Real-Time Traffic Surveillance in African Corridors Aireon has signed a data services agreement with the Agency for Aerial Navigation Safety in Africa and Madagascar (ASECNA). Together, the pair plans to bring real-time air traffic surveillance to high-trafficked, terrestrial…
ConnectivityWhy Qatar Airways is Not Giving Wi-Fi for Free Qatar Airways is aggressively investing in its “connected” strategy this year, according to Babar Rahman, the company’s head of global sponsorships, CSR and in-flight entertainment/connectivity (IFEC). The airline is really stepping up…
MilitaryUS Approves Possible Deal for F-16 Upgrades in Oman Oman’s Lockheed Martin F-16 fleet could be getting an upgrade. The U.S. State Department approved a possible $62 million deal that includes identification friend or foe command and control systems updates, as…
CommercialFour Commercial Trends Hitting Aviation in 2018 Despite longer-lasting aircraft, more durable engines and innovations in maintenance techniques, recent research has shown maintenance spending continues to increase. In fact, airlines now spend more money on maintenance than on fuel…
ConnectivityHow Secure Are IFEC Systems? Then came SwiftBroadband service followed by more powerful high-bandwidth satellites and Wi-Fi in the cabin, and with it, a proliferation of passenger smartphones and other devices. It’s not surprising that
Embedded AvionicsFinding Commonality in Air-Ground Data Communication Strategies The U.S. and EU have developed an air-ground data communications strategy under the auspices of the U.S.-EU memorandum of cooperation, a joint venture whose objective is to help address research and
ConnectivityAlphabet Soup of Mandates Plus Must-Haves Drive Competition, Innovation As the most obvious challenges in avionics testing, the expanded presence of the original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) in the aftermarket and associated restrictions on access to intellectual property (IP)