CommercialNorthrop Grumman Working on Triton Radar System Northrop Grumman is flight testing a radar system that will provide its Triton unmanned aircraft system (UAS) with 360-degree views of ocean and coastal regions. (Triton UAS. Photo, courtesy of…
Embedded AvionicsBeechcraft AT-6 Ready for New Airborne Radio System Beechcraft's AT-6 light attack jet is the first fixed-wing aircraft to perform air to ground communications using the Single Channel Ground and Airborne Radio System Situational Awareness (SINCGARS SA) Waveform capability. …
CommercialFAA Requiring Inspections of Honeywell ELTs FAA on Tuesday issued a new airworthiness directive (AD) requiring airlines to inspect more all aircraft equipped with Honeywell emergency locator transmitters (ELT). The directive requires inspections of Boeing, McDonnell Douglas,…
CommercialRockwell Collins Forms MRO, Development Agreements With AAR, AFRL Rockwell Collins has a new long-term service agreement to provide avionics maintenance for a fleet of more than 300 passenger jets operated by Illinois-based aerospace and defense contractor AAR. Under the…
ATM ModernizationIncidents of Airplanes Flying Too Close Together Doubled in 2012 The number of incidents involving aircraft flying too close to each other within the National Airspace System (NAS) doubled to 4,394 in 2012, according to an air traffic safety report issued by…
CommercialU.K. Launches Unmanned Aircraft Civilian Flight Testing Center Airport authorities and aviation officials launched the National Aeronautical Center (NAC), the U.K.'s first testing center for the development of operations of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) in civilian airspace, on Monday at…
ATM ModernizationGAO: FAA's Capital Investments Threatened by Data Collection Procedures FAA's ability to assess the conditions of its facilities, such as air traffic control towers and research laboratories, is hindering its ability to properly manage its long-term capital investments and ultimately implement key…
Embedded AvionicsLongbow Wins Contract to Upgrade Korean Apache Radar Systems The Lockheed Martin/Northrop Grumman joint venture Longbow obtained a $51 million foreign military sales (FMS) contract to provide upgraded radar systems for the Korean military's fleet of AH-A64E Apache attack helicopters. …