ATM ModernizationEurope Developing a Solid Foundation for SWIM [Avionics Today 07-07-2015] European Air Traffic Management (ATM) stakeholders are building a solid foundation for a concept of operations for System Wide Information Management (SWIM), which represents a paradigm shift in how…
ATM ModernizationNASA, Industry Flight Test UAS Sense-and-Avoid Technology [Avionics Today 07-06-2015] NASA alongside the FAA and industry partners Honeywell and General Atomics Aeronautical Systems (GA-ASI) is currently fielding a sense-and-avoid system that could enhance the ability of unmanned aircraft to…
Business & GAColombia Certifies Bombardier Challenger 300, 350 [Avionics Today 07-06-2015] Bombardier announced that it has received type certification for its Challenger 300 and Challenger 350 aircraft from Colombia’s civil aviation authority, Unidad Administrativa Especial de Aviación Civil (UAEAC). …
CommercialAirbus Expands Ties to China [Avionics Today 07-06-2015] Airbus reaffirmed its strong commercial and industrial ties with China this week, as the airframe manufacturer received its largest-ever A330 commitment from the country, while also creating the framework…
CommercialElbit, ATR Sign ClearVision Agreement for 600s [Avionics Today 07-06-2015] Elbit Systems and regional turboprop aircraft manufacturer ATR announced the signature of an agreement for integrating ClearVision Enhanced Flight Vision System (EFVS) with the SKYLENS wearable display onboard the…
Embedded AvionicsNorthrop Grumman, US Navy Conduct E-2D Aerial Refueling Critical Design Review [Avionics Today 07-06-2015] Northrop Grumman along with the U.S. Navy have successfully conducted the Critical Design Review (CDR) for the E-2D Advanced Hawkeye Aerial Refueling (AR) system. Under a $226.7 million Engineering,…
ATM ModernizationEuropean Commission to Evaluate SESAR Deployment Program [Avionics Today 06-30-2015] The Single European Sky ATM Research (SESAR) Deployment Manager (SDM), an alliance of 11 European Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), 25 airports and four airlines, has delivered the SESAR…
CommercialGEE to Connect Norwegian Air Shuttle Flights [Avionics Today 06-29-2015] Global Eagle Entertainment (GEE) is supplying In-flight Connectivity (IFC) on Norwegian Air Shuttle's (NAS) new flights to the Caribbean region, according to Dave Davis, CEO of GEE. …