MilitaryUS Defense Department Wary of Drones in Evolving US Airspace The U.S. Defense Department does not think of small drones as toys — it thinks of them as threats, according to Col. Dan Furleigh, the U.S. Air Force’s division chief for military…
CommercialSafety, Reliability Beats Innovation in Modernizing US Airspace The FAA is slow — Those are the words of Joshua Gustin, the Administration’s manager of communication, information and network programs. It is intentional, though. “Be the safest, most reliable, biggest airspace in…
CommercialFAA Funded for Five Years: Reauthorization Bill Passes Congress with Wide Support The U.S. Senate has passed a bill to reauthorize the FAA ahead of the extended Oct. 5 deadline, providing five years of funding for the agency for the first time in 36…
ATM ModernizationUber Eyes Regulation Changes to Facilitate Air Taxi Plans A considerable decrease to the current FAA-controlled airspace separation requirements is a built-in assumption in Uber Elevate’s business model as the company scales up, according to Tom Prevot, Uber’s director of airspace…
CommercialBuzzer-Beating Bill: FAA Set to Get Funding Before Shut-Down with Congress Reauthorization Vote The U.S. Senate today voted 90-7 to end debate on the FAA reauthorization bill which would keep it funded for the next five years and prevent an agency shutdown next week. The…
CommercialFAA Re-Authorization Bill Passes House Ahead of October 1 Deadline A re-authorization bill for the FAA that will secure nearly $90 billion in funding over five years for the agency passed in the U.S. House of Representatives by a margin of 398-to-23…
MilitaryF-35 Costs Cut: Advanced Fighters For Less than $90M Lockheed Martin and the Defense Department have agreed on a new $11.5 billion contract that brings the price of an F-35A below $90 million for the first time. The new contract, which covers 141 F-35s and will go into…
MilitaryHarris to Supply New F-35 Core Processor The Lockheed Martin F-35 will run on a Harris-built integrated core processor (ICP) beginning in 2023, the two companies revealed Thursday. The new ICP, the "brains" of the advanced fighter, promises 25…