Business & GAQuestion #19 How do you get a cell call through the AMBE channel? Is it an internet VOIP call without using the service provider for the cell phone? ANSWER: It is not a VOIP call. Your Wi-Fi equipped cellphone will see the Thrane & Thrane WAP and the WAP will assign a SIP address to your phone allowing a communication…
Business & GAQuestion #20 Mr. Wilson stated that the IGA and LGA can be installed under DER substantiation based upon specific ACO - does that mean ALL ACO's will accept that DER substantiation for every aircraft, OR - only specific aircraft or certain ACOs? ANSWER: No, not all ACO’s are the same and YES only specific aircraft with Intermediate Gain Antenna (IGA). Almost all ACO will accept the Low Gain Antenna (LGA), that’s why we (Banyan…
Business & GAQuestion #21 What do you mean the Ethernet connectors can be a challenge? Do you use Quadrax? ANSWER: Since you are crimping four (4) wires at once it’s easy for one to not be crimped 100 percent. Practice a bit inside your lab the first time and leave a…
Business & GAQuestion #22 Can a designated connection be allocated to the cockpit to ensure data security between the cabin and the cockpit? Or could the cockpit be given a priority connection in the event of an immediate data need? ANSWER: This question usually arises to where the company I.T. representative wants to ensure the CEO gets all the bandwidth he/she needs in case others are loading down the system. The answer…
Business & GAQuestion #23 How difficult is it to add a new phone with voice service, i.e. a new phone or new passenger? ANSWER: If Wi-Fi is enabled on the system, it is quite simple to add an additional Wireless handset to any AVIATOR system. Adding a wired handset involves the usual wire runs, which…
Business & GAQuestion #24 Suggestions on "chatty" devices and Operating Systems. Any SW vendors that might handle these. ANSWER: Service providers like SatCom Direct (SCD) can “limit” or “block” this from occurring. Example, CEO fires up his/her window based laptop; the operating system will look for any updates burning up…
Business & GAQuestion #25 We will soon have Aircell 4000. If we want to add AVIATOR 300 or 350 down the road will it conflict with Aircell GoGo? ANSWER: On the contrary. ATG 4000 and AVIATOR 300 or 350 are complimentary systems. Aircell is a distributor of our AVIATOR 300 and 350 systems and they can supply you with a…
Business & GAQuestion #26 Any average cost for an email and what about radar chart access? ANSWER: Please consult with an ISP (Inmarsat Service Provider), such as Satcom Direct for service pricing and value added services such as Flight Deck Freedom. Learn more about this topic: Read the…