MilitaryITCN Wins Boeing C-17 Contract ITCN, Dayton, Ohio, provide upgraded monitor and control systems for the Boeing’s C-17 program in Long Beach, Calif. Financial terms of the deal were not disclosed. ITCN will supply its C-TAC Plus…
ATM ModernizationAvoiding Trouble Ahead A ground-based reporting system using information from the nation’s network of Next-Generation (NEXRAD) Doppler radars can help pilots avoid turbulence by transmitting real-time data on clouds and storms. The system, designed by…
CommercialApplying SAAAR In December 2005, FAA published Advisory Circular 90-101, "Approval Guidance for RNP Procedures with SAAAR (Special Aircraft and Aircrew Approval Required)." This AC provides guidance material for approvals to take advantage of…
Business & GAProduct Focus: Connectors Few other components in aerospace have changed as little as connectors have over the years. However, the connector has been roused from its slumber by the introduction of new aircraft — Boeing’s…
ATM ModernizationNew Products Data Storage VMETRO unveiled three storage devices for use with its Vortex data recording services. The rack mount storage units provide 4Gb fibre channel Redundant Arrays of Independent Disks (RAID) and Switched…
MilitaryPerspectives: Being Net-Centric The concept of network centric operations, or network centric warfare (NCO/NCW), emerged in the 1990s. Then called "C4I for the warrior," it focused on creating a unified battle space for joint military…
MilitaryFinland Orders LITENING Pod Northrop Grumman received a $30 million contract to deliver LITENING Advanced Targeting (AT) systems to the Finnish Air Force (FiAF) for its F-18 Mid-life Update 2 Program. Under the contract, Northrop Grumman's…
MilitaryMcDonnell Douglas Wins Navy Work McDonnell Douglas Corp., was awarded $15.4 million delivery order from the U.S. Navy for avionics repair facility support, which provides for repair of various F/A-18 and AV-8B components. Work will be performed…