CommercialEmirates-CAE Flight Training Inks Deal Emirates-CAE Flight Training (ECFT) signed a contract with Abu Dhabi-based Prestige Jet to provide business jet pilot training. Financial terms were not disclosed. Under the agreement, Prestige Jet’s flight crew will undergo…
Business & GAFAA Extends ADS-B Comment Period The FAA on Nov. 19 extended the comment period for 60 days for the notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) on automatic dependent surveillance-broadcast (ADS-B) until March 2008, following requests from industry associations.…
Business & GAEmbraer, CAE Form JV Brazilian airframe manufacturer Embraer and Canadian simulator company CAE signed a joint venture agreement to provide pilot and ground crew training to Embraer customers of the Phenom 100 very light and Phenom…
Business & GARaytheon Hits GPS Milestone Raytheon Company completed the final system acceptance test to augment standard GPS signals over India, a milestone, the company said, in the transition to satellite-based navigation for civil aviation. The latest test…
Business & GACobham to Buy Meggitt U.K.-based aerospace and defense company Cobham will pay $38 million for S-TEC Corp., the companies said Wednesday. S-TEC, which is based in Texas and owned by Meggitt, certifies and manufactures autopilots for…
CommercialJeppesen Inks Deal with Qatar Airways Boeing subsidiary Jeppesen and Qatar Airways finalized an agreement for Electronic Flight Bag (EFB) applications and data for the airline’s new Boeing 777 aircraft that will feature the Boeing Class 3 EFB.…
CommercialCAE to Manage AirAsia Training Center Canadian simulator company CAE signed a $51 million contract with airline AirAsia to manage its pilot training facility in Kuala Lumpur. Starting in 2008, CAE will begin offering the pilot training services…
CommercialPanasonic Expands Emirates Contract Panasonic Avionics, Lake Forest, Calif., signed a $500 million contract amendment with Emirates, the Dubai-based airline, to expand the installation of its eX2 in-flight entertainment (IFE) system on Emirates’ aircraft purchases and…