ATM ModernizationNASA’s Solution to Runway Incursion A system to help prevent runway incursions is being integrated into a synthetic vision system (SVS) to provide perhaps the ultimate in situational awareness to air transport pilots as they land, take…
ATM ModernizationSafety: Tales of Troubleshooting The video screens mounted beneath the passenger overhead luggage bins in the cabin were retracting and extending continuously. They created a vivid image of an aircraft electrical system going out of control–and…
ATM ModernizationScan B747 Classic EFIS Jet Aviation Basel has installed the first electronic flight instrument system (EFIS) for a classic B747, using 6-by-8-inch, wide angle, active matrix liquid crystal displays (LCDs). Supplied by Astronautics…
Editor's NoteSystem Design: Ped Problem Hasn't Gone Away Readers will recall that more than three years ago we investigated the problems with personal, or portable electronic devices (PEDs) on board aircraft. We even conducted lab tests to show that the…
Editor's NoteCalendar November 12-14 STIC-AERO 2003 International Conference, Paris-Nord Villepinte, France. For more information, contact STIC-AERO c/o SEE-AAAF Congress Dept., phone +33 (0) 1 56 90 37 08, fax +33 (0) 1 56 90…
ATM ModernizationEditor's Note: A Safety Problem Often Forgotten In this month’s system design column, Walter Shawlee 2 reminds us of a safety issue that many may have forgotten–electromagnetic interference (EMI) caused by personal electronic devices (PEDs). Walter reports that the…
MilitaryNew HUD for the Tomcat The U.S. Navy’s F-14B pilots now enjoy greater situational awareness, thanks to the replacement of the combat aircraft’s vertical display indicator group (VDIG), the avionics portion of a larger upgrade program. The…
ATM ModernizationFeedback Remember Cat III GPS? Referring to your story in the April issue (page 39), it’s nice to hear that MLS (microwave landing system) is taking off. I always knew it would. I…