Business & GACharles Keegan: Point Man for U.S. Airspace Modernization Modernizing the U.S. airspace system can be challenging in the best of times. But now, funding is more constrained although air traffic growth is inevitable, making the challenge greater. In the center…
Editor's NotePARR: Resolving Problems Strategically A tool for Free Flight, URET is being enhanced to automatically provide controllers with resolutions for conflicts with aircraft, airspace and even weather. The results are to achieve safer, more efficient and…
Editor's NotePerspectives: Quality-Assured Data from EAD Starting June 6, 2003, the new European AIS database (EAD) from Eurocontrol will contribute to increase flight safety by improving the quality and time-critical availability and accessibility of aeronautical information. Aeronautical information…
MilitaryProduct Focus: Antennas: Growing Capability, Smaller Size As everyone knows, the success of radio frequency (RF) applications depends as much upon the antenna as upon the electronics behind it.A new satellite-based airborne communications network developed by ARINC Inc., for…
ATM ModernizationFeedback Choices for DRVSM The article "Countdown to DRVSM" (March 2003, page 42) was well written by Adrian Gerold. But it omitted some important information in the sidebar titled "DRVSM Flight Tests." In…
Editor's NotePerspectives: Ionizing Radiation Safety Air transport crewmen are occupationally exposed to higher doses of ionizing radiation than are most members of the general population. The Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA’s) Civil Aerospace Medical Institute (CAMI), therefore, has…
Editor's NoteSwitch Evolution: Slow but Steady Cockpit switch technology moves slowly. LED (light-emitting diode) illumination, introduced more than a decade ago, has improved product reliability and reduced maintenance costs, but there is still a sizable market for its…
Business & GAReal-Time Operating Systems & Hardware Support This is a big year for commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) real-time operating systems (RTOS). Green Hills Software (GHS), LynuxWorks and Wind River Systems have recently passed or plan shortly to announce DO-178B and…