Business & GAEditor’s Note: When Aircraft Take Over Honeywell caused a stir recently when it announced its development of a system that would automatically take control of an aircraft if the pilots fail, or refuse, to prevent a crash. Called…
ATM ModernizationFeedback Remember Cat III GPS? Referring to your story in the April issue (page 39), it’s nice to hear that MLS (microwave landing system) is taking off. I always knew it would. I…
ATM ModernizationThe Issues Orbiting Galileo Years after it was first proposed, Europe’s Galileo satellite navigation system finally is moving toward launch. The European Union (EU) and the European Space Agency (ESA) this year jointly funded Galileo’s development…
Business & GAQ&A: ARINC’s Advance Into the Business Market Just about everybody knows that ARINC helps establish avionics standards and provides services to air transport users. Less well known are the company’s services to business aviation–even though more than 2,000 corporate…
Business & GANew Products Dual-Band Antennas Two new dual-band antennas, the ComDat Cl 480-1 and 490-1, are now offered by Comant Industries, Santa Fe Springs, Calif. The ComDat Cl 480-1 is an active antenna that operates…
Business & GAEditor's Note: Big-Picture Planning Some may wonder whether, after commissions are established and lengthy reports are published, any action results in Washington, D.C. A recent briefing at the nation's capital indicates that sometimes it does. Last…
Business & GABoeing EFBs Boeing, in conjunction with in-house partner Jeppesen and hardware provider Astronautics Corp. of America, is taking a giant step forward in the march towards a paperless cockpit. The trio has developed a…
MilitaryJSF: Integrated Avionics Par Excellence What must a 21st-century tactical aircraft incorporate to satisfy the needs of the U.S. Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps and international customers seeking a multimission air vehicle? The short answer is…