ATM ModernizationPerspectives: RCAT-Tool to Achieve GATM To fly the fastest, most efficient routes worldwide, air traffic control (ATC) organizations are mandating that aircraft be equipped with sophisticated avionics. Consequently, the U.S. Air Force must update its aircraft through…
CommercialProduct Focus: Automatic Test Equipment: Next Generation Boeing’s ATS 182 automatic test equipment (ATE) – designed to use in acceptance testing and troubleshooting Boeing-built avionics systems on B737 Classic and next-generation (NG) aircraft, 747s, 757s and 767s–is running out…
CommercialSafety: On Camera: Inside and Outside The cameras are coming. In the not-too-distant future transport category aircraft might well be equipped with closed circuit television (CCTV) systems to cover both interior spaces and the aircraft’s exterior, as the…
ATM ModernizationScan EFB for a BBJ Jet Aviation recently designed, certified and installed an electronic flight bag (EFB) with accompanying articulating arm and power supply in a Boeing Business Jet (BBJ). Jet Aviation Engineering…
Editor's NotePeople IS&S: Ptakowski, President Innovative Solutions & Support Inc., Exton, Pa., has appointed Roman Ptakowski president. He comes to IS&S from B/E Aerospace Inc., where he was group vice president and general manager.…
Editor's NoteRF Connectors: SSMA, SMA, ETC. In my last column (July 2003), we looked at the design issues associated with popular N, BNC and TNC radio frequency (RF) coax connectors. This month, we will look at the other…
Business & GAEurope’s Answer: UAVs in Controlled Airspace Europe’s experience of operating unmanned air vehicles (UAVs) within its controlled airspace is considerable. Predators, Hunters and other UAVs operating during the conflicts in Kosovo and Bosnia, for example, were successfully sequenced…
Editor's NoteCalendar September 8-12 University of Kansas Aerospace Short Courses: "Aviation Weather Hazards," Seattle; "Digital Flight Control Systems: Analysis and Design," San Diego; "Flight Test Principles and Practices," San Diego; "Fundamental Avionics," San Diego;…