ATM ModernizationIndustry Scan RVSM Brings Results Eurocontrol officials believe recent efforts to improve traffic flow in Europe have paid off, and they submit as proof figures revealing that, while air traffic in Europe dropped by…
ATM ModernizationATC Modernization: Reaching New Peaks in Switzerland Swiss air traffic control (ATC) has become high-profile–largely due to the tragic July 1, 2002, midair collision between a Russian Tu 154M airliner and a DHL B757 cargo plane near the Swiss-German…
Business & GAMinidrones: Near Term Tested in Kosovo and Afghanistan, unmanned air vehicles (UAVs) are here to stay. But behemoths like Global Hawk and Predator dominate, despite their cost, complex logistics and vulnerability. Tactical UAVs exist, but…
Business & GAAir France Industries: Ca Marche Bien The air transport market may be in a slump, but this maintenance, repair and overhaul firm, whose parent is France’s premier airline, is growing and modernizing. Despite turbulence in air transport and…
Business & GAEditor's Note: The Coveted Business Traveler The National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) show was particularly interesting this year, not because it indicated strong growth in corporate aviation (it didn’t), nor because it spotlighted more new technology than usual.…
ATM ModernizationFeedback The Continuous Altitude Rule The July 1 midair collision over Germany, which you commented on in the September issue (Editor’s Note, page 6), could have been avoided with a "continuous altitude rule,"…
Business & GAMerlin's Magic When I started flying in the early 1980s, my best resource for up-to-date weather information was someone at the other end of my VHF communications radio–a person on the ground. But in…
ATM ModernizationNew Products Exam Preps To assist students preparing for the private pilot and instrument rating oral exams, Sporty’s Pilot Shop has created two CD-ROMs, each with more than 420 oral exam questions. The questions…