ATM ModernizationPeople ARINC Inc.: Green, Dir.-Systems & Services ARINC Inc. has promoted Richard Green to director of airport systems and services for Europe, Africa and the Middle East. He formerly was ARINC’s product director,…
Business & GAProduct Focus: Wire and Cable Aircraft wiring, fundamental to the safety of airplane operations, is the subject of perennial debate. Incidents such as the TWA crash in 1996 and the Swissair crash in 1998 focused attention on…
Business & GASafety in Avionics: Surviving a 'Sucker Trap' An aphorism exists that rubber, not aluminum, should always touch the ground first. The saying relates directly to controlled flight into terrain (CFIT) accidents. A recent close call ended with rubber touching…
ATM ModernizationIndustry Scan UAVs in the NASA Recent tests run by NASA, New Mexico State University, the U.S. Navy, Scaled Composites and Modern Technology Solutions validated emerging unmanned air vehicle (UAV) collision avoidance technologies that…
ATM ModernizationSIVAM: Communication, Navigation and Surveillance for the Amazon There’s never been a program like it, says Gregory Vuksich, president of Raytheon Brasil Sistemas de Integracao Ltda. And there may well never be one like it again. Such is the case…
ATM ModernizationPeople NovAtel Inc.: Ladd, President & CEO Jonathan Ladd recently was named president and chief executive officer of NovAtel Inc., replacing David Vaughn. He formerly was senior vice president-engineering and president of Magellan…
Business & GAProduct Focus: Weather Radar An airline official once noted that "a major technological leap in weather radar is made about every 15 years." If so, now would appear to be the time that a major leap…
Business & GAHorizon's Push for RNP Horizon Air, a regional carrier in the northwestern United States, flies in a challenging environment and, therefore, has special needs. It flies into airports in mountainous terrain, and it seeks lower approach…