CommercialCabin Security: Keeping Aircraft Safe Not surprisingly, since Sept. 11, after terrorists crashed hijacked aircraft into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, aerospace electronics companies have come forward with new security systems for commercial airliners. Many…
ATM ModernizationAvionics System Design: Voodoo Audio: Part II In last month’s issue, I began telling the history of the poorly understood subject of cockpit audio. I discussed the introduction of noise-canceling microphones and the accompanying low-impedance headsets. And I mentioned…
Business & GAEditor's Note: Loran-C: Comeback Kid? Enthusiasm filled the air at the International Loran Association’s (ILA’s) 30th annual convention and technical symposium in October. The recently released Volpe Center study of Global Positioning System (GPS) vulnerability (see page…
ATM ModernizationFeedback No RoboLander Soon I enjoyed your "Safety in Avionics" column titled "Anti-Hijacking Avionics" (November 2001). I found your comments on the "RoboLander" of particular interest. I am aware that several avionics manufacturers…
Business & GAHow Vulnerable is GPS? On Sept. 10, the U.S. Department of Transportation (DoT) released a report authored by its John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center, on the vulnerability of the U.S. transportation infrastructure in relying…
Business & GAWhat's New in Corporate Aviation Thales on Global Express The head-up flight display system (HFDS) developed by Thales Avionics has received a Supplemental Type Certificate (STC) on Bombardier’s Global Express business jet at the airframer’s flight test…
ATM ModernizationNew Products Digital Transceiver Park Air Systems has introduced a new digital radio for the air traffic control (ATC) market. Designated the T6TR, the 50-watt multimode transceiver operates in the VHF aviation band, 118…
MilitaryMore Than One Way to Modernize a P-3 At this year’s P-3 International Operators Support Conference, held Oct. 22-25 in Atlanta, the theme will be "Modernization – Look to the Past, The Way to the Future." Modernization is an appropriate…