ATM ModernizationEditor's Note: The Macro View As in Januarys past, we present in this issue an outlook of the aerospace electronics industry. Unlike past January issues, however, our outlook data has not been generated by our staff of…
ATM ModernizationFeedback A Theory Dismissed? In your November Safety in Avionics column (page 55), I was disappointed by your dismissive tone regarding the theories of Elaine Scarry, and I was quite disturbed by the…
ATM ModernizationNew Products SN3308-Compatible Gyro Sandel Avionics and Mid-Continent Instruments have jointly introduced the Mid-Continent 4305-100 remote directional gyro. This TSO-approved gyro provides the basic heading stabilization for the SN3308 electronic HSI/moving map. The gyro…
CommercialOutlook: Air Transport Market: The Demand Continues Frost & Sullivan has pegged a robust market outlook for air transport avionics, based on the need to replace aging equipment and meet new regulatory requirements. Despite the delays and growing aggravation,…
ATM ModernizationOutlook: ATC: Problems to Be Solved For the companies and agencies that create solutions to today’s congestion and delay problems, according to industry analysts at Frost & Sullivan, the economic future should look bright. Two words probably could…
Business & GAOutlook: High Hopes for General Aviation Business aviation is a particularly strong driver of the general aviation (GA) market. More and more companies are choosing this option as an important travel resource. In 1999, GA accounted for 35%…
Business & GAOutlook for IFE: Still Rosy New aircraft and retrofit installations for the near- to mid-term, plus new technologies such as broadband and in-seat power supply should keep the in-flight entertainment market healthy for some time, Frost &…
CommercialOperating Your FMS On-line You are a commercial pilot with a layover. You’ve checked into a hotel and have some time to kill. You could watch television or read a book. Or you can practice the…