ATM ModernizationNew Products Loop Resistance Tester The Boeing Co. has developed an instrument that allows the integrity of cable shielding to be tested without de-mating the connectors. The Loop Resistance Tester (LRT) works by magnetically…
ATM ModernizationSafety in Avionics: Data Link and Stuck Microphones Increasingly crowded skies generate colorful descriptions of the problem. Here’s one harried air traffic controller’s scatological characterization of the situation for Newark International Airport in New Jersey: "[Newark] tries to put 10…
ATM ModernizationIndustry Scan Belgian Police Receive Enhanced MD 520N The Belgian Gendarmerie (Belgian National Police) was scheduled to take delivery by the end of 1999 of its multimission MD 520N (Model 500N)—fitted with customized avionics…
Business & GATesting Standards: Making Giant Strides The search for maximal test instrument interchangeability with minimal test program modifications has made a lot of progress in the last five years. But work by the Interchangeable Virtual Instruments (IVI) Foundation,…
ATM ModernizationEditor's Note: Airlines as Jugglers What will be in future cockpits? We hope we answered that question in part in our Outlook coverage in this issue. However, for added perspective on this topic, from the user community,…
Business & GAFast Moving IFE Matsushita has increased its market lead, Sony is for sale, and live television is making its air transport debut. These and other developments are occurring rapidly in the fast-paced, highly competitive in-flight…
Business & GASafety in Avionics: Knowing Where You Are –– Vertically Despite the hundreds of data elements displayed in a modern cockpit, one piece of information is missing: the position of the airplane with respect to its intended vertical path. Pilots have to…
Business & GASolid Growth Free Flight will impact the avionics market. Airlines want to be ready for Free Flight from day one," states Michel Merluzeau, senior analyst for the research organization Frost & Sullivan, which recently…