Business & GAPODCAST: Jet It CEO Talks Flying Private in Connected HondaJet Elite Jet It is a business aviation operator launched in 2018 that operates a fleet of HondaJet Elite aircraft and has introduced a unique business model to the private travel market. The company…
ATM ModernizationMode S Replacement and WAM Expansion to Compliment ADS-B for US Airspace Surveillance Two initiatives to address critical obsolescence and end of service life issues for Cooperative Surveillance Radar (CSR) systems in the U.S. airspace, the Mode S Beacon Replacement System (MSBRS) and Wide Area…
ATM ModernizationFAA Partners with Swiss Authority to Advance, Harmonize Drone Integration Efforts The Federal Aviation Administration signed an agreement to work with the Swiss Federal Office of Civil Aviation (FOCA) on standards surrounding the safe use and integration of unmanned aircraft into civilian airspace,…
Business & GAViasat Removes Ka-band Business Jet Connectivity Speed Limits Business jet operators flying aircraft equipped with Viasat’s Ka-band satellite connectivity are no longer limited to a maximum number of megabits per second (Mbps) in-flight, as the global communications company has removed…
Air TaxiTalking UTM and UAM With Robert Hammett, CEO of OneSky Systems As interested parties across the drone and air taxi space eagerly await the widespread implementation of unmanned traffic management (UTM) and related enabling technologies such as remote ID, Robert Hammett, CEO of…
Business & GAVistaJet Brings Tempus IC2 Telemedicine Onboard Global Fleet International private jet charter operator VistaJet has added in-flight telemedicine technology, RDT’s Tempus IC2, to their global fleet of aircraft as the business aviation industry continues to see demand for flights scale…
Business & GAZeroAvia Completes First Phase of Test Flights On Path to Hydrogen-Electric Turboprop ZeroAvia recently completed the first phase of test flights for the U.K.'s first ever electric-powered commercial-scale aircraft, as the Silicon Valley startup works toward its initial goal for the development of a certifiable…
CommercialThales Appoints New Executive Vice President of Avionics Thales has named Yannick Assouad as its new executive vice president of avionics, taking over for Gil Michielin, who announced his retirement from the Toulouse-based avionics maker. Assouad will begin her new…