RegulationFAA Exploring How Manned Aviation Can Benefit from Drone Remote ID The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is planning to ask industry how manned aviation can interact with remote identification signals emitted by drones as part of its roadmap to integrating unmanned aircraft into…
ATM ModernizationRaytheon Sees MARS, STARS as Enablers to App-based Future for U.S. Air Traffic Raytheon seeks to transition the technology used by air traffic controllers to track aircraft in U.S. terminal airspace to a more software-based system that can be continuously upgraded, using application updates instead…
Business & GAViasat CEO Predicts Strong Aeronautical Broadband Revenue Growth While Viasat has run into earnings headwinds because of the grounding of the Boeing 737 MAX airliner, Viasat's CEO on Feb. 6 predicted strong revenue growth ahead for broadband. "In the near…
Business & GATruly Enhanced Flight Vision, Better Displays Dominate OEMs' Imaginations Thanks to today’s enhanced flight vision systems (EFVS) and synthetic flight systems (SVS), pilots can fly safely in low light and obscured visibility conditions that would otherwise be life-threatening. But OEMs such…
ConnectivityAerkomm to Provide In-Flight Connectivity to Hong Kong Airlines Aerkomm subsidiary Aircom Pacific has agreed to provide Hong Kong Airlines with both its AirCinema and AERKOMM K++ In-Flight Entertainment and Connectivity (IFEC) solutions. Hong Kong Airlines plans to install Aircom’s solutions on 12 Airbus A320 and…
Business & GACertification of Combined Vision System Expected Soon, Bombardier Says Bombardier Aviation expects the certification of the Combined Vision System (CVS) for the company's Global 5500 and 6500 business jets soon, the company said on Feb. 6. The Federal Aviation Administration certified…
CommercialAirbus ATTOL Project Lead Describes Technology Behind Vision-based A350 Takeoff Using a combination of image recognition technology and flight control computer modifications, Airbus successfully performed its first ever fully automatic vision-based takeoff with an A350-1000 in December. Avionics International recently caught up…
Air TaxiFAA Releases Policy Proposal for Type Certifying Drones The Federal Aviation Administration has proposed certifying some drones as a new “special class” of aircraft, a step toward greater integration of unmanned aircraft into controlled airspace and enabling advanced operations, such…