Business & GABombardier Looks Forward to Certification of Combined Vision System LAS VEGAS – David Coleal, the president of Bombardier Aviation, said on Oct. 21 that Bombardier is looking forward to the certification of the "first true combined vision system" developed solely for…
RegulationFAA’s Drone Advisory Committee Makes Recommendations on Remote ID, Security WASHINGTON, D.C. — Members of the FAA’s Drone Advisory Committee (DAC) unanimously approved recommendations for the agency to consider regarding remote identification and UAS security issues, which were highlighted by a recent…
CommercialCan IATA’s Crowd Sourcing Tool Help Airlines Avoid Turbulence? The International Air Transportation Association (IATA) is a few months away from transitioning from the initial pilot phase for its Turbulence Aware platform — a cloud database collecting real time turbulence reports…
MilitaryUpcoming ALIAS Test to Demonstrate Autonomous Flight The upcoming final flight test of the Aircrew Labor In-Cockpit Automation System (ALIAS), funded through the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), will feature remote or autonomous flight of a modified Sikorsky…
ConnectivityPODCAST: NSR’s Guide to Satellite Connectivity Drawing from one of the most insightful presentations from GCAS 2019, in this episode Chris Baugh and Brad Grady, respectively president and principal analyst at Northern Sky Research (NSR) — one of…
MilitaryL3Harris To Upgrade Rover Under $90 Million Army Contract L3Harris is to upgrade its Remotely Operated Video Enhanced Receiver (Rover) under the terms of a $90 million contract with the U.S. Army, but the company said the Army has advised no…
Embedded AvionicsArmy Wants Funding Increase for FLRAA Risk Reduction, As Service Seeks Common Avionics Interfaces The U.S. Army wants $75 million in Fiscal 2020 for risk reduction on the Future Long-Range Assault Aircraft (FLRAA)–nearly $43 million more than its budget request–as the service seeks common electrical, mechanical,…
Air TaxiAirbus’ Vahana Demonstrator to Complete Flight Test Campaign This Year Airbus A³'s Vahana demonstrator aircraft, which has been flying since January 2018, recently completed its 100th test flight and is on track to complete its test flight portfolio by the end of…