Air TaxiHelsinki Volocopter Flight Test Evaluates UTM for Air Taxi Operations During a flight test at Helsinki International Airport on August 30, Volocopter and the Single European Sky ATM Research (SESAR) Gulf of Finland U-space team evaluated the ability of integrated air traffic…
Air TaxiRegulators to Urban Air Mobility Industry: 'We Want to Become More Agile' Industry and regulatory leaders in urban air mobility (UAM) gathered this week at the Global Urban Air Summit in Farnborough, with regulators stressing their commitment to matching industry's pace but underlining the…
ConnectivityThales Becomes Latest Iridium Certus Aviation Service Provider Thales has become the newest Iridium Certus aviation service provider, giving the French avionics manufacturer the ability to provide both the next generation L-band terminals and services to business jets, commercial aircraft,…
CommercialAvionics Improvements a Focus of U.S. Helicopter Safety Team Avionics improvements are a part of the U.S. Helicopter Safety Team's (USHST) efforts to reduce the number of fatal rotorcraft accidents. On Sept. 3, USHST released a list of 16 proposed safety…
CommercialWhat Will Disrupt the Cabin IFEC Market? Avionics is bringing back our coverage of passenger-facing IFEC technological expansion in capabilities. We’re going behind the interiors and inside the processors of seatback screens to uncover the embedded
CommercialWhat’s Trending in Airline IFEC Strategies Commercial airlines are testing the use of virtual reality and establishing wireless network-centric in-flight entertainment and connectivity (IFEC) strategies that allow them to expand and evolve applications
CommercialSmaller is Better for IFEC Embedded Components and Processing In doing so, these manufacturers are developing technology to address cutting edge in-flight entertainment and connectivity (IFEC) demands. With Airbus projecting that 50% of the total in-service fleet of
Commercial4K Screens: Coming to an Airplane Seatback Near You Stunning picture quality, clarity and image depth – those are a few of the factors that have driven 4K TV to be the dominant home theater viewing experience, especially on large screens.…