ConnectivityLockheed's VTOL Data Fusion Sensor Suite Tested on V-280 Lockheed Martin has flight tested its pilotage distributed aperture sensor (PDAS) on a Bell V-280 Valor. PDAS is a multi-function sensor system for vertical lift aircraft that generates and fuses high-resolution, 360-degree…
Business & GASmart Displays Are Computers on New AeroVue Flight Deck BendixKing’s new AeroVue Touch integrated flight deck takes a disruptive new approach to the traditional concept of display-centered flight decks by embedding computing engines within new smart cockpit displays. The Honeywell…
UnmannedFAA Reviewing Comments En Route to Implementing New Drone Rule The public comment period closed this week on the FAA's proposed rule change to allow more flying drones at night and over people. "The preliminary tally for public comments is 1,821 for…
UnmannedNotre-Dame Cathedral Fire Fought with Drones Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris was the site of a raging fire Monday, April 15, suffering a still-unknown amount of damage as the building is assessed. The damage could have been worse, though,…
CommercialFAA OK's Updated MCAS for 737 MAX, Awaits Industry Comments The FAA Flight Standardization Board (FSB) has reviewed Boeing's update to the 737 MAX's maneuvering characteristics augmentation system (MCAS) and determined it is "operationally suitable," according to a new report the agency put…
Business & GAGrowing Rapidly, Quebec's Aerospace Sector Aims High MONTREAL -- Quebec’s aerospace industry is growing at a rapid pace, and provincial leaders are determined to capture a larger percentage of the world market. Burgeoned by Airbus’ expanding presence, industry sales…
CommercialAfter the Accident, Part Two: The Black Box Now and Tomorrow This is the second of a two-part series on black boxes with the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB). Read the first part here. Black boxes are designed to be damage-resistant, but that…
Business & GAWith Airbus In Charge of C-Series, Bombardier Refocuses on Business Aviation MONTREAL — The new C-Series partnership between Airbus and Bombardier is “progressing well,” according to the chief executives of Bombardier and the new joint venture between the Quebecois major and Airbus. Speaking…