RegulationBeyond the Airspace: Drone Integration Dependent on Industry Integration of small UAS into U.S. national airspace will involve a close collaboration between industry and regulators, with the latter exercising “regulatory humility," according to technology leaders speaking at a Bloomberg Government…
ProfilesPlanning the Future of Unmanned Systems at Textron Sean Baity spent his first wedding anniversary on a cross-country trip with his wife. Also in the van with the celebrating husband and wife were three other guys and two 100-pound autonomous…
ConnectivityAPiJet Takes Open Architecture Approach to Aircraft Data Service A partnership between Seattle-based Aviation Partners Inc. and iJet Technologies, called APiJet, has launched a new aircraft software as a service joint venture capable of monitoring every component and system of an…
Embedded AvionicsICAO Rallies Support for Cybersecurity Coalition at Bucharest Summit Cybersecurity is a prominent issue in aviation. That's why the ICAO hosted a summit to unite civil aviation stakeholders from Europe, the Middle East and Africa in trying to solve it. “In…
MilitaryUS Air Force Studying F-35 Management In Preparation for JPO's Dissolution The U.S. Air Force is exploring how it will oversee its share of the F-35 Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter program in light of the U.S. Defense Department’s recent decision to give the military…
Embedded AvionicsIs This the Future of Communications, Navigation and Surveillance? Predicting the future is a unique challenge, often fraught with uncertainty and ultimately failure. The concepts behind strategic planning as both a practical and theoretical exercise attempt to define a point in…
MilitaryUS Air Force Looking for Light-Attack Aircraft Bids As Soon as This Year A U.S. Air Force competition to buy light-attack aircraft might formally begin in as few as five months, according to an industry source. The service has told aircraft manufacturers that it expects…
Business & GABombardier Unveils Global 7000-Exclusive Cabin Management System Bombardier unveiled a preview of its Global 7000-exclusive nice touch cabin management system (CMS). A Bombardier-Lufthansa Technik collaboration, the new system focuses on cabin interaction through a combination of physical and digital…