ConnectivityIndia Releases IFC Recommendations In-flight connectivity will be coming to India. The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India has released its recommendations for connectivity usage in the region, including the sanction of voice, data and video services…
Business & GAForeFlight Founder Talks App Growth in Cockpits Since ForeFlight launched in 2007 on the eve of the iPhone revolution, the company’s star has continued to rise, and today, it is the aviation industry’s undisputed go-to app for situational awareness…
MilitaryDrone Controlled via Satcom in General Atomics Test General Atomics Aeronautical Systems successfully showed off the satellite-controlled launch and recovery capabilities of its MQ-9B remotely piloted aircraft, aiming to eliminate the need for a ground control station and crew at…
ATM ModernizationSESAR and Qatar Come Together on ATC Single European Sky ATM Research Joint Undertaking and the Qatar Civil Aviation Authority have signed an agreement pledging increased cooperation between the two organizations beginning immediately. The groups hope that the exchange…
Embedded AvionicsAirbus and Honeywell Team on Runway Safety Honeywell Aerospace and Airbus flight operations and ATM subsidiary NAVBLUE have signed an agreement to combine technologies to offer a runway safety solution. Honeywell will provide its SmartLanding system — an upgrade…
CommercialUnited to Equip Boeing 737 MAX Fleet With Honeywell Avionics Visual and audio alerts about unstable approaches, a connected weather radar and more advanced avionics will be part of a fleet of more than 150 new Boeing 737 MAX aircraft coming to…
MilitaryUS Navy Names Jacksonville Primary Source for T-6 Trainer Repair The T-6 Texan II, notable for being the first aircraft most U.S. Navy and U.S. Marine Corps pilots learn to fly, will have a new primary repair location in the Florida-based Fleet…
ConnectivityConnectivity Coming to HNA A330s and A350s Courtesy of Thales HNA Group has engaged Thales Group to outfit 59 of its wide-body A330 and A350 XWB aircraft with the latter’s AVANT in-flight entertainment and Ka-band connectivity. While Haikou, China-based HNA Group already…